Refund Policy
The refund process is based on 2 steps:
- Step 1 – Before asking for a refund regarding a technical issue or any other problem please:
- Open a support ticket where you can explain your inconvenience. Let us try to fix it. Your detailed feedback can help us optimize things and build a better product in the future. Please send us some screenshots or explain what were you looking for and didn’t find in our plugin/extension.
- If you have any pre-sales questions, please get in touch and we’ll gladly let you know if our product is the right fit for your project.
- Step 2 – If your issue can’t be solved in Step 1 and you decide to move forward with the refund we will gladly provide a refund within 15 calendar days of the original purchase if you do qualify for it. After 15 days from the purchase date, no refunds can be processed.
- Please note that by purchasing the product, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions.
- Refund requests may take up to 15 working days to process.
- Requests with incomplete or inaccurate information will be disregarded.
- Refunds will only be granted for the original license purchase and DO NOT APPLY to product upgrades or annual renewals.
- Please complete the Refund Request Form at the URL listed below after you complete Step 1. If you believe you are eligible for a refund based on these criteria, you may request a refund using the refund form
- Please note that the PayPal transaction fees and commission will be subtracted from the approved refund requests.
We reserve the right to change or modify the current refund policy with no prior notice. All refunds will be granted at the sole discretion of
Refund Request
If you want to send a refund request, please read the Refund Policy and fill in the form below. Please provide all the mandatory fields with the correct information. Replies will be sent via email, so make sure your email address is correct.