Easy Populate Posts 3.1
The is a helper plugin that allows developers to populate the sites with random content.
What is New?
The is a helper plugin that allows developers to populate the sites with random content (posts with random tags, images, dates in the past or in the future, sticky flags), but with specific meta values and taxonomy terms associated if the case.
The new options in version 3.1 are:
- NEW The option to clean up the generated content on plugin deactivation;
- NEW The option to use your custom images downloaded from URLs and optimization of the usage of the generated images, these are reused instead of creating multiple media files;
- NEW New sample images;
- NEW Preview of the tags attached to the generated posts;
- NEW Thumbnail preview.
- Title Prefix: you can add a prefix to the title of all the posts added (I use a “crazy prefix” to identify quick and delete the posts used to test different features, or to let other team members that these posts are used for tests or as samples, and should be removed at a point);
- Text: Random, Lorem Ipsum or Star Wars;
- Paragraphs: Random, 1 -> 5 (the number of paragraphs the generated content should have);
- Random Tags: you can define a list of tags that will be randomly attached to the posts;
- Sticky: Random, Yes, No.Version 3.1 Options Preview
- Maximum: number of posts to be generated;
- Type: you can select a post type (this feature is dynamic, meaning that the drop-down options are populated with entities registered on your application);
- Parent: post parent for the hierarchical types;
- Date: Random, In the past (this will set the post status to publish), In the future (this will set the post status to future/scheduled).
Terms & Meta
- Taxonomy: you can select two taxonomies (this feature is dynamic, meaning that the drop-down options are populated with entities registered on your application) and specify the term IDs for each;
- Post Meta: you can specify three post meta by filling in the fields for meta keys and meta values;
Images Sources
- The plugin allows you to define your own list of images that can be used to be attached as a featured image for the posts.
Content Cleanup on Deactivate
- The plugin allows you to remove the generated content when the plugin is deactivated. Please be careful, if you enable this option, the content populated with this plugin will be removed (including the generated images) when you deactivate the plugin.
Find out more details about the previous versions at Easy Populate Posts 1.0, and Easy Populate Posts 2.0.
You can download the free plugin from the WordPress repository.