Easy Populate Posts
If you need a WordPress helper plugin that allows you to populate the sites with dummy content, you have to check this out. NEW! You can generate the content as Gutenberg blocks or even as Gutenberg templates too.
You can download the free plugin from the WordPress repository.

What Does It Do?
This is a WordPress helper plugin that allows developers to populate the sites with random content (posts with random tags, featured images, dates in the past or in the future, sticky flag, author, etc.), but with specific meta values and taxonomy terms associated if the case.

You can use a custom counter in the title to make it easy to test and generate the content as Gutenberg blocks or Gutenberg templates.
All of the image samples have been updated with some beautiful landscapes I got to see and capture with my phone while traveling this summer with the amazing Dekode team (Lofoten, Norway).
Gutenberg template option in the content type dropdown
This allows you to copy/paste the template you want to use, and even use the plugin’s custom patterns that generate random content (check out the example shown when you click the info icon).

Plugin Hooks
The plugin has the following helper hooks:
The custom hooks allow developers to change the data and perform additional actions after the plugin’s main events get executed.
There are options to import/export the settings groups as JSON. This is useful when you want to use the same settings in multiple instances or share these with your team.

save settings as groups that can be restored
This option allows you to set up different combinations of attributes for each post type (for example) and easily switch from one set to another.
You can use the custom patterns from the plugin in the generated content, in order to make it look as close as you intend it to have it in real scenarios.
Testing the custom patterns that generate random content.
The patterns can be changed and tested before inserting these in the title or content to be generated.

Images Sample
In this version, the plugin sample images were updated and there are 10 of them now. All of the photos are done with my phone, during my trips, and are free to use.

Version History
- Tested up to 6.6
- Updated Gutenberg template example
- Added the
filter that allows the override of the post meta before associating it with the post
- The “Test Preview” feature is available on WordPress.org so you can click a button and test the plugin right away 🎉
- Tested up to 6.5.3
- Added the option to attach a single random term from the list
- Refined the taxonomies list, allowing for post_tag in the taxonomies dropdowns so it can also be used for all, random or just one term
- Refined the post types list
- Fixed the type for #NO string replacement
- Added the option to randomly skip attaching featured image
- Styled the post image placeholder
- Tested up to 6.5
- Updated the Gutenberg template example with new core blocks (quote and details)
- Fixed the issue with Gutenberg block validation when using media IDs
- Added new patterns for random timestamps and random colors (also only dark or light colors)
- Added the option to reuse in the post content dynamically generated meta values
- Display the status name in the dropdown
- Translation updates
- Styles updates
- Accessibility improvements
- Tested up to 6.3.1
- Added the author option
- Separated extra options from images group
- Translation update
- Tested up to 6.2.2
- Added the yellow icon in the admin post listing to indicate that the post was generated with Easy Populate Post
- Added post ID, post title, post excerpt, post featured image ID, and post featured image URL as options to be used in the Gutenberg template.
- Fixed the menu overlay
- Tested up to 6.2
- Tested up to 6.1.1
- Added new patterns for random date, time, date & time, longitude, and latitude
- Fixed the saved groups reset on plugin deactivate
- Tested up to 6.0.2
- Added the Gutenberg template option
- Added helper hooks:
- Added the option to save settings as groups that can be restored
- Added the option to import/export settings groups
- Updated the images samples
- Fixed the number of items to generate
Click the heart.
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A huge thanks in advance!