Home Blog LPS 12.0.0 New Features Live Demos

LPS 12.0.0 New Features Live Demos

This page shows different examples of the Latest Post Shortcode block setup, mostly focused on the new features that were released in version 12.0.0.

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Latest Post Shortcode

LPS Block Demo

For demo purposes, the blocks below would use the same card type, two columns, and 4 cards per page (where the pagination is used). Also, the horizontal card is used in all the demos below.

See all details about Latest Post Shortcode version >= 12 and additional showcases of how the Latest Post Shortcode can be configured to create visually striking and tailored content cards.

Demo 1 – Prev/Next Navigation

Horizontal cards with next/prev navigation for a more compact view on mobile as well. The icons for jump to first page, previous page, next page and jump to last pages can be customized through the new PHP filters added in version 12.0.0.

  • 18 items
  • 1 / 5
A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland
  • 18 items
  • 1 / 5

Demo 2 – Inline Scroll

Horizontal cards are displayed as inline scroll for a more compact view. The cards are still using the two columns.

  • Total items: 18
  • 1 / 5
A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland
  • Total items: 18
  • 1 / 5

Demo 3 – Cards Counters

Horizontal cards are displayed as inline scroll for a more compact view but using infinite scroll pagination and the cards counters option was also enabled.

To make it more obvious in the demo, the card background color is set to a more vibrant color.

A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland

The same example as above, but with info + image option and a different card background color. The pagination does not show the total items and the load more button is hidden.

A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland

Below you can see the same example without pagination, and with the reversed counter.

A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland
Winter Getaway 2023 - Traditions, Celebrations, and a Captivating Istanbul Adventure
A Glimpse of Summer in October
Summer Vacation 2023
WordCamp Europe 2023, Athens, Greece
Spring Vacation - Gran Canary Island, Spain
Trip to Iceland, or how to continue the amazing adventure
Spring Vacation - Andalusia, Spain
Autumn Trip to Northern Sweden

Demo 4 – Overlay and Vertical Card Examples

Below you can see the same example without pagination, without a counter, as overlay, and four columns.

A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland
Winter Getaway 2023 - Traditions, Celebrations, and a Captivating Istanbul Adventure
A Glimpse of Summer in October
Summer Vacation 2023
WordCamp Europe 2023, Athens, Greece
Spring Vacation - Gran Canary Island, Spain
Trip to Iceland, or how to continue the amazing adventure
Spring Vacation - Andalusia, Spain
Autumn Trip to Northern Sweden

Below you can see the same example without pagination, and without a counter, vertical cards, and four columns.

A Relaxing Autumn Break in Crete, Greece
Testing the Ricoh GR IIIx HDF Camera on a Speed Photo Walk
Summer of 2024: Festivals, Friends, and Unforgettable Moments
Our First Trip to Finnish Lapland
Winter Getaway 2023 - Traditions, Celebrations, and a Captivating Istanbul Adventure
A Glimpse of Summer in October
Summer Vacation 2023
WordCamp Europe 2023, Athens, Greece
Spring Vacation - Gran Canary Island, Spain
Trip to Iceland, or how to continue the amazing adventure
Spring Vacation - Andalusia, Spain
Autumn Trip to Northern Sweden